
Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed due to the country's reduction in oil production.

  Source Abu Dhabi (CNN) Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed due to the country's reduction in oil production. Following a reduction in output by the world's largest crude oil exporter to support prices, Saudi Arabia's economy has reversed course. The country's official statistics agency announced this week that the third quarter of 2023 saw a 4.5% year-over-year decline in Saudi Arabia's gross domestic product, the broadest indicator of the country's economic health. Since the Covid-19 epidemic in 2020, that contraction has been the biggest. The decline would have been far more severe if non-oil activities hadn't grown by 3.6%. Even though the nation's enormous oil industry had been contracting for months, the economy as a whole managed 1.2% annual growth in the second quarter. The third quarter saw the worst year-over-year decline in the kingdom's oil sector since at least 2011 as a result of the voluntary reductions in oil production intended

What occurs when funding for conservation ends?

                                                                           Source Forests News What occurs when funding for conservation ends? Payments for Environmental Services (PES), also referred to as conservation payments, are a well-liked method for halting deforestation and preserving tropical forests. The tactic is to give land managers conditional rewards in the form of cash or in-kind benefits in exchange for their active support of forest protection. The idea is to increase the financial value of standing forests over chopped ones. This indicates that the amount paid for forest protection must be more than the opportunity cost of preventing deforestation, or the money lost by giving up economically dependent on deforestation activities (like large cow ranching and swidden agriculture). The majority of PES impact evaluations show some progress in stopping deforestation and preserving forests. However, little is known about how long-lasting conservation successes are when fun

Indonesia and the UK Ink Cassava Export Deal

Source Indonesia and the UK Ink Cassava Export Deal Jakarta's TEMPO.CO Particularly in light of the UK's Brexit, Indonesia and the UK have reached an agreement on the country's concession timetable for the Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) with country-specific Indonesia for cassava goods. With a 6 percent tariff, Indonesia may export up to 660,000 tons of cassava (HS 071410) annually using this. On October 24, at the World Trade Organization's Senior Official Meeting (SOM) in Geneva, the agreement was signed (WTO). The agreement was signed by DG Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono of Indonesian International Trade Agreements Negotiations and DG Joanna Crellin of the UK Trade System. Djatmiko said that Brexit's opportunities and challenges were the reason behind Indonesia and the UK's agreement. First of all, TRQ varies per nation. This means that just 660,000 cassava are meant for Indonesia annually. Second, the import duty on cassava will drop to 6% as a result of this ar

This week, Indonesia will send the first shipment of supplies to Palestine.

                                                                                      Source Antara This week, Indonesia will send the first shipment of supplies to Palestine.  The pursuit of a ceasefire must not end here. Antara Jakarta - The Indonesian government has announced that this week it will deliver its first shipment of humanitarian aid to Palestine, as announced by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Humanitarian aid from Indonesia will be sent; it will be tailored to the needs and demands of the Palestinian people. The first batch would be despatched this week," he declared on Monday after presiding over a small discussion about Palestine at Jakarta's Presidential Palace. He continued, "The government, business leaders, and the Indonesian people have provided the assistance." Jokowi expressed his anger to Indonesia in a statement posted on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account, citing the escalating humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza as

A Night of Indonesia: Diplomatic Reception Festivities Enliven the Celebration of Indonesia's Independence Day in Bucharest

                                                         Source: Bucharest's Indonesian Embassy A Night of Indonesia: Diplomatic Reception Festivities Enliven the Celebration of Indonesia's Independence Day in Bucharest Monday, October 30, 2023   Romania's Bucharest On October 25, the Indonesian Embassy in Bucharest hosted a diplomatic reception at Le Château, Bucharest, with the theme "A Night of Indonesia," in observance of Indonesia's 78th Independence Day. The first diplomatic reception since 2019 took place on this occasion.   Ambassador Meidyatama Suryodiningrat emphasized Indonesia's economic progress as the world's fifteenth largest economy in his introductory remarks, as well as the goal of "Indonesia Emas 2045." The ambassador of Indonesia also talked on Indonesia's place in numerous international organizations, as well as in regional and global fora. Indonesia stresses peaceful solutions based on the UN Charter and hi

Jokowi claims that the additional quota has reduced the Hajj waiting time by two years.

                                                                                      Source Jokowi   claims that the additional quota has reduced the Hajj waiting time by two years. Jakarta's TEMPO.CO On Sunday, October 22, 2023, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) declared that the Saudi Arabian government's 20,000 extra Hajj quota for the 2024 Hajj pilgrimage will shorten the waiting period for prospective pilgrims by two years. During the 2023 Santri Day celebration in Surabaya, East Java, Jokowi shared the outcomes of his one-on-one meeting in Riyadh on Friday, October 20, 2023, with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and Prime Minister, Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud. The occasion was aired on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube page. "I conveyed to His Royal Highness that currently in Indonesia, if people want to perform Hajj, they have to wait for 47 years," he stated. He said the crown prince was taken aback to hear that prospective Hajj pilgrim

Indonesia Must Adjust to Change and Overcome Obstacles to Realize the Indonesia Emas Vision 2045

Indonesia Must Adjust to Change and Overcome Obstacles to Realize the Indonesia Emas Vision 2045  Monday, October 23, 2023                                                                                           Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indonesia, Surakarta -   The Foreign Policy Strategic Agency (FPSA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) collaborated to organize the 5th World Indonesianist Congress (the 5th WIC) in Surakarta. Retno L.P. Marsudi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated in her video keynote address that "In order to achieve the Indonesia Emas vision, Indonesia needs the ability to adapt to disruptions and challenges, as well as the ability to seize opportunities arising from evolving environments" (19/10). "Towards the Golden Age of Indonesia 2045: Indonesia and Its Role on the Changing Regional and Global Landscape" is the topic of the fifth World Indonesia Conference.  Retno Marsudi, the foreign min