
Showing posts with the label Medical Emergency Resque Committee (Mer-c)- War on Gaza

Indonesian physicians in Gaza are "shocked" at the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis

 Indonesian physicians in Gaza are "shocked" at the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis .                                                                             Source JAKARTA: Indonesian medical professionals on a rescue mission in Rafah report seeing the greatest suffering scenes of their lives and are astounded by the scope of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Last week, a group of eleven Indonesian physicians and surgical nurses, led by the World Health Organization, arrived in Gaza as part of an emergency deployment coordinated by the Jakarta-based Medical Emergency Rescue Committee.  In Rafah, a city on the southern tip of the Gaza Strip where over a million Palestinians have sought safety and Israel's lethal bombardment have increased, they are currently employed at several health facilities.  They are undoubtedly taken aback. The chairman of MER-C's executive committee, Sarbini Abdul Murad, told Arab News on Thursday that "these are medi