
Showing posts with the label Israel-Palestine

Homemakers in Indonesia organise support for "family" by chanting "We cry for Palestine."

 Homemakers in Indonesia organise support for "family" by chanting "We cry for Palestine." They are planting seeds for the future generation of Indonesians, organising against the war, and collecting money for Gaza.                                                                                      Source AlJazeera By Llewellyn Aisyah published on December 26, 2023 Indonesia's Medan, In the city of Medan, North Sumatra, on a foggy and dismal Sunday morning in December, over a thousand people congregated on the premises of the Istana Maimoon, a famous 19th-century palace. Speakers in favour of the Palestinian cause were among the sea of people gathering outside the palace, most of them wearing the Palestinian flag's colours of red, green, black, and white. Many in the throng had cloth bands wrapped around their foreheads with the words "Save Palestine" emblazoned on them, or headbands with the Indonesian and Palestinian flags displayed on them that