
Showing posts from June 25, 2024

Like-Minded Nations Unite in Indonesia to Exchange Sustainable Palm Oil Farming Methods

Source Bogor, Indonesia 36 experts in sustainable agriculture from 17 countries that share similar goals convened in Bogor to exchange best practices in capacity building for smallholder-based, sustainable oil palm management (24/6). The International Development Cooperation Fund (LDKPI), the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are collaborating to provide the training, which will take place from June 22 to July 2, 2024. Experts from a range of fields, including researchers, legislators, businesspeople, and diplomats, attend. They are from developing nations that provide vital agricultural products for global food security, such as coffee, cocoa, rubber, lumber, soybeans, and beef, as well as vital global food commodities like palm oil. Giving participants a more comprehensive understanding of smallholder agriculture that crosses multiple commodities was the goal. The importance of palm oil cultivation to smallholder farmers was underli