
Showing posts from January 7, 2024

Indonesia will observe Arabic Language Month in conjunction with Saudi Arabia's King Salman Global Academy.

 Indonesia will observe Arabic Language Month in conjunction with Saudi Arabia's King Salman Global Academy.                                                                  Source RIYADH: On Sunday, Indonesia will celebrate Arabic Language Month, which is being organized by Saudi Arabia's King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language. The four-week festival, which ends on February 2, features a schedule of events created in collaboration with educational institutions in the cities of Malang and Jakarta. According to the Saudi Press Agency, they are intended to promote Arabic language instruction, boost educator effectiveness, and increase awareness of the language through activities at Indonesian institutions with Arabic language departments and programs. According to the academy's secretary-general, Abdullah Al-Washmi, the organization is dedicated to advancing Arabic both domestically and globally. The month-long program is designed to introduce non-native