Princess Diana spent the entire day writing letters and "hated" her birthday.

In 1997, Princess Diana lost her life in a vehicle accident in Paris.

According to former staff members, Princess Diana never observed her birthday while she was alive.

Paul Burrell claims that the late Princess of Wales "hated" her birthday. She spent the latter years of her life living alone in Kensington Palace.

She detested her birthday, he says Closer Magazine. Whenever it was her birthday, she would declare, "I'm staying in, I'm not going out". Writing thank-you notes for all the gifts that kept coming in the door, she would sit at her desk.

On the other hand, the Princess was proud to mark the special days of her two kids and made sure they had an amazing time.

But those boys were spoiled rotten on William and Harry's birthdays, Burrell continues. They had all they could have wished. Diana would have been thrilled to celebrate Harry's 40th birthday and would have wished for the lads to atone for their transgressions.

It would grieve the late Princess of Wales, who was killed in a vehicle crash in Paris in 1997, to learn that her two boys are not communicating with one another.

According to royal analyst Angela Levin, "She's a mother. She was a mother. Never forget that she was a mother, regardless of whether you identify as royal or not. Furthermore, I have no doubt that she would have been devastated to learn that her two sons are at odds as a mother."

"She might well have done, I don't know, but she would have been enormously sad to think that her two darling boys were not speaking to each other."



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