Indonesia Hosts First Meeting of Emerging Development Partners

 Indonesia Hosts First Meeting of Emerging Development Partners


Bali, Indonesia - The Emerging Development Partners (EDP) meeting in Bali (11/6) was co-chaired by Mr. Rahman Nurdun, Vice President of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) Turkiye, and the Director General of Information and Public Diplomacy (DG IDP). 38 people from 3 international organisations and 9 developing donor nations, including Indonesia, attended the summit.

Due to the growing trend of developing countries actively participating in international development cooperation over the past 20 years with the goal of bolstering the position of Global South countries, Indonesia has called for this meeting, which is the first of its kind among emerging donor nations. Ambassador Siti Nugraha Mauludiah, the DG of IDP, stressed that "the initiative to establish a forum for emerging donor countries is crucial to address common challenges and strengthen the position of emerging donors in more impactful international fora." She also pointed out that "the EDP meeting underscores the importance of collaboration among developing countries to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs)." As the Co-Chair, Turkiye reiterated similar thoughts.

As the keynote speaker, Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro, a professor at FEB UI and a former minister of national development planning and head of Bappenas from 2016 to 2018, emphasised how the global development agenda is currently influenced by the economic growth of rising donor countries. As a result, growing donor nations must work together, particularly to achieve the SDGs, with a special emphasis on problems like reducing poverty, inequality, and climate change.

Lead Discussants for the following sessions, I and II, on Repositioning EDP's Roles in Multilateral Fora and Investigating Innovative Joint Initiatives among EDPs, were Mr. Adnan H. Aliani, Director of Strategy and Programme Management Division of UNESCAP, and Dr. Carlos M. Correa, Executive Director for the South Centre.

Delegates discussed numerous ideas to improve the standing of emerging development partners in international development during the talks in both sessions. Additionally, attempts were made to improve cooperation by utilising each nation's unique capabilities. Delegates at the EDP summit expressed hope that the event would grow into a yearly forum that improves partnerships and cooperation amongst emerging donor nations and increases their contributions to the global achievement of sustainable development goals. In cooperation with the Indonesian Agency for International Development (LDKPI), the EDP meeting was arranged


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