The Ministerial Declaration of the 10th World Water Forum is a diplomatic win for Indonesia

 The Ministerial Declaration of the 10th World Water Forum is a diplomatic win for Indonesia.


Bali, Indonesia - The Ministerial Declaration was approved by the 10th World Water Forum while Indonesia was the chair, marking a significant diplomatic win for Indonesia. Following the 10th WWF Ministerial Meeting, which was attended by 27 international organisations and 106 nations, the Declaration was accepted (21/5).

Since November 2023, the Declaration has been discussed via three different processes at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.

Three priorities were promoted by Indonesia in the Declaration. First, a World Lake Day proposal. Lakes serve as a source of water for people as well as social and economic purposes for society. World Lakes Day observance is not just symbolic; it is also essential to the preservation of lakes worldwide.

The second is the creation of a Centre of Excellence for Climate and Water Security to facilitate knowledge exchange, capacity building, and the use of first-rate facilities. Indonesia, an archipelagic nation, needs to be at the forefront of innovation in sanitation and water management.
bringing up the subject of small island integrated water resources management in third place. Despite having a large body of water surrounding it, Indonesia still need an effective management system to overcome issues with the supply and quality of clean water.

Indonesia's accomplishment at this Forum is not only the Ministerial Declaration but also the compilation of a list of significant water-related projects in different nations. A total of 113 projects totaling USD 9.4 billion, including ones to manage domestic wastewater for 30,000 families and initiatives to expedite the provision of drinking water for 3 million households. Communities around the world will benefit greatly from these diverse projects.


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