A Saudi businessman in Al-Baha transforms a farm into a tourist destination

 A Saudi businessman in Al-Baha transforms a farm into a tourist destination

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AL-BAHA: A farmer in the governorate of Al-Mandaq has developed a successful tourism business out of his passion and pastime.

Owner of Al-Barouqi Tourist Farm in the governorate, northwest of Al-Baha, Ahmed Al-Barouqi uses the area's natural beauty and mild climate to draw tourists, showcasing its gorgeous valley, mediaeval hamlet, and agricultural terraces.

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Al-Barouqi, the young farmer in Al-Tarf, Wadi Rusba, behind Al-Barouqi Tourist Farm, was interviewed by the Saudi Press Agency.

"Having grown up in a family surrounded by farms, I have had a long relationship with agriculture dating back over 27 years," he stated. This gave me the idea to invest in the farm in Al-Tarf village, where we used to cultivate fruit, almond, and grape trees as children.

"I was committed to developing an investment model for rural tourism that complements the area's natural attributes and temperate climate, offering tourists a distinctive experience," he continued.

Al-Barouqi claimed to have restored the farm while maintaining its well-known trees, agricultural terraces, and historic wells. In addition to creating seating spaces, he made concrete walks and opened up beautiful vistas of the nearby valley.

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Along with popular dishes, he serves tea, coffee, and tannour bread.

He emphasised how well drip irrigation has worked for strawberry harvests, which is in line with the objectives of the Kingdom's Vision 2030. Through the creation of new agricultural investment options and the promotion of a broad agricultural culture, this programme has enhanced the value of the farm and its guests. The farm strives to become self-sufficient in growing foods for regional markets by experimenting with different crops and broadening its product line.

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Al-Barouqi stated: "Farming has established sites for productive families and created over 20 seasonal job opportunities for young men and women in the region."

"We have a thorough growth strategy and vision for the farm that covers topics related to investments, recreation, and agriculture. Putting money into this area leads to innovative business ventures that offer visitors to the Al-Baha region a unique travel experience," he continued.

The recent downpour, the spotless environment, and the area's natural beauty are all contributing to the farm's increased demand.
Source arabnews.com


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