Indonesia and the United States will celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations

  Thursday, March 7, 2024

 Indonesia and the United States will celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations.


At a public event held at the U.S. Embassy's @america facility in Jakarta on March 6, officials from Indonesia and the United States jointly announced the joint commemoration of 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries, revealing anniversary-year branding and a theme of "Diversity, Democracy, Prosperity."

The U.S.-Indonesia 75th Anniversary (#IndonesiaUSA75) will take place in November 2024 and will highlight cooperation in security, economy, education, climate change, and people-to-people efforts. This comes after the two countries' bilateral relationship was elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership in November 2023 and the Plan of Action 2024–2028.

Ambassador Umar Hadi, the Director General for American and European Affairs in the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, gave the opening remarks for the event at @america. "The United States and Indonesia reaffirm their enduring partnership and dedication to promoting a world where diversity is celebrated, democracy is upheld, and prosperity is shared by all," Ambassador Umar Hadi said, marking the 75th anniversary of the celebration of the values of diversity, democracy, and prosperity.

Michael F. Kleine, a.i., the Chargé d'Affaires of the U.S. Embassy, opened the ceremony alongside DG Hadi. "We are dedicated to working together to tackle the emerging challenges of the twenty-first century and deliver a better future for our citizens," CDA Kleine stated, "as we celebrate our deep friendship, close partnership, and 75 years of diplomatic relations."

Melissa A. Brown, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. State Department, who is in charge of the Office of Maritime Southeast Asia Affairs and the Office of Mainland Southeast Asia Affairs in Washington, DC, joined Dr. Yayan Mulyana, Director-General for Foreign Policy Strategy Agency of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the launch event. According to Dr. Yayan Mulyana, there is currently a strategic and comprehensive collaboration between the United States and Indonesia. It demonstrates the extent of the two countries' shared commitment to mutual respect and collaboration, as well as their willingness to extend that commitment to neighboring regions including Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific."

As to Brown's statement, "We are strengthening our alliance based on common principles, promoting prosperity and stability on a large scale. Together, our two distinct democracies can achieve a great deal, building a prosperous future for future generations of Americans and Indonesians." ​

"Diversity. Democracy. Prosperity" is the theme.

The celebration of the U.S.-Indonesia 75th anniversary in 2024 will strengthen the alliance based on common ideals, such as democracy and diversity, and promote global security and prosperity.

Both the national mottos of the United States and Indonesia, "E Pluribus Unum" (from many, one) and "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," celebrate diversity as a source of strength.
Common interests between the second and third largest democracies in the world are tolerance, protection of basic human rights, freedom of the press, and religious liberty.
Prosperity for both Indonesians and Americans, as well as the larger Indo-Pacific area, is increased by a close relationship on regional and global concerns, from encouraging respect for international boundaries to growing trade and investment.
Events for the 75th Anniversary in 2024

Throughout the year of the celebration, Indonesia and the US will demonstrate their extensive collaboration through a number of public events, such as:

Photo Contest: From now until September 30th, diplomatic missions in the United States and Indonesia are gathering images of Americans and Indonesians that represent the two countries' people-to-people exchanges or overall connection. The hashtag #IndonesiaUSA75 will be used on Instagram to collect photos until September. The winning images will be featured in a commemorative book and virtual exhibit.
Commemorative Postage Stamp: To commemorate the 75th anniversary, the Indonesian government will issue a commemorative stamp.
Youth Ambassadors: As part of an exchange program to study American government, society, and culture through trips to both urban and rural cities, the U.S. Department of State will finance ten Indonesian youth ambassadors to come to the country. In addition to exploring the relationship between Indonesia and the United States and visiting a diverse cross-section of representatives from government, academia, religious and ethnic groups, community organizations, and American youth, this program will help young Indonesians gain a deeper understanding of U.S. foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific region.
Commemorative Batik: To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the Government of Indonesia is organizing a design competition for a commemorative batik. The winning design may be displayed at fashion or art events in both nations.
The March 6 event marked the beginning of the Indonesia-U.S. "Diplomats Go to Campus" series. Representatives from KEMLU and the U.S. Embassy will be joining forces to celebrate throughout Indonesia with our Diplomats Go to Campus program, which is scheduled to take place in cities such as Surabaya, Medan, Bandung, Makassar, and more in 2024.
seminar on the history, current state, and future of bilateral ties between the US and Indonesia.


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