The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs from Indonesia Promotes Indonesia's Expanded Role and Active Leadership at the Codex Forum

 The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs from Indonesia Promotes Indonesia's Expanded Role and Active Leadership at the Codex Forum

 Friday, February 23, 2024


Indonesia's Jakarta In order to discuss a range of Codex-related topics and agendas, including the Committee's 2023 and 2024 activities as well as the plan for Indonesia's leadership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took advantage of the opportunity to host the Indonesian National Codex Committee Meeting on (20/2).

The highest decision-making body for Codex Indonesia activities is the Indonesian National Codex Committee. It makes policy recommendations for managing Codex Indonesia and addresses issues pertaining to food safety and quality standards. It also formulates Indonesia's national stance in international Codex forums.

Pahala Nugraha Mansury, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and Kukuh Syaefudin Achmad, the Chairman of the Indonesian Codex National Committee and Head of the National Standardization Agency, attended the conference. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized in his opening remarks the significance of Indonesia's leadership in the process of developing norms for a balanced global food standard as well as food standards that respect national interests in food security, do not discriminate, and do not impose unnecessary trade restrictions. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports Indonesia's active participation and leadership in setting global norms and ensures that Indonesia's interests are accommodated in decisions at the CAC," he stated.

During the meeting, the head of the National Standardization Agency thanked all of the committee members for reaching their 2023 targets and encouraged them to continue working toward the long term goal of Indonesia becoming a leader in global food standards by taking up strategic positions in the Codex forum.

An activity plan until 2024 and a strategy for Indonesia's long-term leadership were decided upon at the summit. Members of the Committee were also present, including the Deputy for Standard Development, officials from various government agencies, senior experts, and associations, as well as the Foreign Minister's Expert Staff for Management, who was hosting the meeting on behalf of the Director General of Multilateral Cooperation.

Indonesia's Jakarta In order to discuss a range of Codex-related topics and agendas, including the Committee's 2023 and 2024 activities as well as the plan for Indonesia's leadership in the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs took advantage of the opportunity to host the Indonesian National Codex Committee Meeting on (20/2).

The highest decision-making body for Codex Indonesia activities is the Indonesian National Codex Committee. It makes policy recommendations for managing Codex Indonesia and addresses issues pertaining to food safety and quality standards. It also formulates Indonesia's national stance in international Codex forums.

Pahala Nugraha Mansury, the Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, and Kukuh Syaefudin Achmad, the Chairman of the Indonesian Codex National Committee and Head of the National Standardization Agency, attended the conference. The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs emphasized in his opening remarks the significance of Indonesia's leadership in the process of developing norms for a balanced global food standard as well as food standards that respect national interests in food security, do not discriminate, and do not impose unnecessary trade restrictions. "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports Indonesia's active participation and leadership in setting global norms and ensures that Indonesia's interests are accommodated in decisions at the CAC," he stated.

During the meeting, the head of the National Standardization Agency thanked all of the committee members for reaching their 2023 targets and encouraged them to continue working toward the long term goal of Indonesia becoming a leader in global food standards by taking up strategic positions in the Codex forum.

An activity plan until 2024 and a strategy for Indonesia's long-term leadership were decided upon at the summit. Members of the Committee were also present, including the Deputy for Standard Development, officials from various government agencies, senior experts, and associations, as well as the Foreign Minister's Expert Staff for Management, who was hosting the meeting on behalf of the Director General of Multilateral Cooperation.



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