Before making a statement about Palestine at the International Court of Justice, the foreign minister of Indonesia solicits advice from experts

 Before making a statement about Palestine at the International Court of Justice, the foreign minister of Indonesia solicits advice from experts.

                                                    Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs​​

Jakarta, Indonesia - On February 19, 2024 (16/01), Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi will make an oral declaration in support of the advisory opinion (AO) of the International Court of Justice regarding Israel's occupation of Palestine in response to a request from the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Experts in international law are providing comments to the Foreign Minister in anticipation of this statement. "Advisory Opinion at the International Court of Justice: Efforts to Support the Independence of Palestine through International Law Enforcement" is the topic of discussion for this gathering, which is being held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs office in Jakarta.

Foreign Minister Retno said in her speech that expert opinions and opinions are needed to create a comprehensive legal opinion that would show the world how Israel has violated international law.

"The UN General Assembly's efforts to get an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice are supported by Indonesia. The rule of law must apply to everyone. It is imperative to uphold the Palestinian people's right to self-determination. The Palestinian people's right to independence will not be eliminated by Israel's occupation of Palestine, which has lasted for more than 70 years, the Foreign Minister declared.

As is well known, the UN General Assembly has asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for legal assistance, or an advisory opinion, about the legal ramifications of Israel's policies and activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem. On January 17, 2023, the General Assembly sent this plea to the ICJ.

Indonesia has made the decision to actively participate in offering legal opinions to the ICJ in response to this request. Indonesia has provided two pieces of information to the International Court of Justice (ICJ): a written statement that was submitted in July 2023 and an oral statement that the Indonesian Foreign Minister would make on February 19, 2024, before the ICJ.

The foreign minister declared that a number of Israeli actions were illegal under international law, including the annexation of Palestinian areas, the construction of settlements in the West Bank, and the alteration of Jerusalem's status. Stopping Israel's illegal conduct is necessary, as is holding people accountable for past legal transgressions. Nations should stop endorsing Israel. The UN and the rest of the world community must refuse to acknowledge that Israel's actions are legitimate.

"Indonesia's appearance before the International Court will complement various diplomatic steps taken by Indonesia to support Palestine," stated the Foreign Minister.

Since the war began three months ago, Indonesian diplomacy has been actively involved in gaining backing for Palestine. Speaking twice before the UN General Assembly and UN Security Council is Foreign Minister Retno. The Foreign Minister also delivered speeches at various international gatherings, including the Global Refugee Forum, the Human Rights Council, ASEAN, and WHO. In numerous venues and nations, Indonesian diplomats have advocated for Palestine and garnered support for it. Indonesia has also been providing humanitarian aid to Palestine at the same time.

At the November Joint OIC-Arab League Summit, President Jokowi led the Indonesian delegation in a discussion on the Palestine problem. The summit decided, among other things, to give the Indonesian foreign minister and a number of other OIC foreign ministers the task of enlisting assistance from other countries in order to promote a ceasefire and the peace process.

The Ministerial Committee met with high-ranking representatives of the five Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, including foreign ministers and heads of state, as part of its diplomatic efforts to fulfill its mandate.

According to Retno, "We see that the number of countries abstaining and opposing the UN resolution on Palestine is declining, while the number of countries supporting the resolution is rising." Pressure from within on important nations is also growing. The UN Security Council at last passed a humanitarian resolution for Palestine at the close of the previous year."

All of this is insufficient, though. In Indonesia's opinion, a ceasefire is essential and will influence the course of events in the Gaza conflict.

An ICJ procedure for providing legal guidance upon request from a UN body is called an Advisory Opinion (AO). The UN General Assembly passed Resolution A/RES/77/247 on December 30, 2023, asking the ICJ to provide legal counsel on Israel's protracted occupation of the Palestinian Territories. This AO procedure is not the same as the present International Criminal Court case that South Africa is bringing against Israel on the grounds of the Genocide Convention.

The authority of the ICJ to issue an AO was discussed by experts, taking into account that the AO request was submitted in accordance with the ICJ's procedures.

International law experts also addressed a range of Israeli policies and actions concerning the long-term occupation, annexation, and illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as well as attempts to alter the legal status, character, and demographic makeup of Jerusalem, as well as violations of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

This conversation was attended by about fifty legal and international law professionals, including panelists Dr. Eni Narwati, Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana PhD, Prof. Dr. Sigid Riyanto, and Prof. Dr. Eddy Pratomo

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs​​


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