700 grams of beef ribs

3.5 liters of water

2 lemongrass stalks

35 grams of galangal

30 grams of ginger

5 bay leaves

2 teaspoons of salt

2 teaspoons of granulated sugar

2 teaspoons of mushroom broth

Beef Ribs, Sliced Asem Marinade

100g shallots

50g garlic

6 curly red chilies

3 large red chilies

4 large green chilies

3 red tomatoes

4 green tomatoes

6 starfruit seeds

1 segment of turmeric


How to make

These beef ribs already have one section of beef ribs, all of which I have cut into 4 pieces, so they are long. If you want to cut them into small pieces, you can, and these beef ribs have been washed clean. I immediately marinated them using only two ingredients: salt and ground pepper, so that the ribs The beef is more seasoned; I turn it back and forth while kneading it so that the marinade ingredients penetrate more into the beef ribs.

I'm going to let this sit for about 30 minutes. After marinating, I immediately boil the beef ribs. So I don't need to wait for the water to boil first, so I put it in right away, then I add crushed galangal and bay leaves. Boil it until it boils and until it's tender, while waiting for the beef ribs. boiled, I prepared all the spices first, just chopped or sliced. So there's no blending or grinding of all the spices, so it's very easy to make beef ribs  For the sour taste, I use tomatoes and starfruit vegetables or starfruit.

There are two kinds of tomatoes: green tomatoes and red tomatoes. I cut all the tomatoes or star fruit vegetables.

I first sauteed the spices; the oil was hot, and I first added the thinly sliced shallots and garlic. sauteed until the aroma is fragrant.

Add the crushed lemongrass, chopped ginger, and turmeric; immediately add the large green chilies, large red chilies, and all the curly red chilies. Stir the ingredients until all these ingredients give off a fragrant aroma—the spices or all the ingredients—then I will set aside the spices first.

The beef ribs are tender and boil for about 75 minutes. As the water is reduced, add more so that you can get more sauce. Wait until it boils, then add all the sauteed spices. Stir first while adding salt, granulated sugar, and mushroom stock.

Wait until it boils again, add green tomatoes, red tomatoes, and starfruit, put everything in, and then I add whole cayenne pepper, not cut into pieces, so it's not too spicy.

Wait until it boils again, because if you add tomatoes, the spices will penetrate even more into the beef ribs. Don't forget to taste everything according to your individual taste—the salty, sweet, and even the sour taste—so friends can try making it yourself at home.


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