
Showing posts from November 24, 2023

A four-day truce between Israel and Hamas will begin today

                                                                                     Source  A four-day truce between Israel and Hamas will begin today Palestine/Gaza ● Friday, November 24, 2023 A first batch of 13 Israeli women and children held as hostages will be freed later on Friday, according to mediators in Qatar, marking the beginning of a four-day ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas. The announcement was cautiously welcomed by world powers. However, the fighting continued, with Gaza City officials reporting that a hospital was one of the sites hit as the clock ticked down to the first ceasefire in the almost seven-week-old, horrific conflict. Additionally, all sides indicated that the pause would only last until the conflict resumed.  According to Qatar's foreign ministry, the ceasefire would include a complete ceasefire in both north and south of Gaza and would start at 7 a.m. local time (0500 GMT). In the Qatari cap