To discuss Gaza, OIC Foreign Ministers travel to Russia.



To discuss Gaza, OIC Foreign Ministers travel to Russia.

Jakarta's TEMPO.CO On Tuesday, Nov. 21, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi travelled to Moscow, Russia, together with her counterparts from the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), to reiterate their denunciation of Israel's aggression in Gaza.

The visit was approved by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and was a follow-up to the joint meeting of the OIC and Arab League on November 11.

This was the second ministerial visit by Arab and Muslim nations to the permanent member of the UN Security Council. Retno and other foreign ministers went to China before Moscow to speak with Wang Yi.

The US, the UK, and France are additional permanent members of the UNSC and have all backed Israel.

Retno Marsudi asserted during this four-hour meeting that Israel's self-defense justification is completely untenable. "First, Israel, a colonialist, cannot use such an excuse," she yelled. "Second, self-defense cannot be used as an excuse to kill civilians and attack civilian facilities."

The Health Ministry of Israel estimates that over 14,000 Palestinians have died as a result of Israel's onslaught in Gaza, including 3,920 women and 5,840 children. 

Retno claimed that Russia had concurred with the items included in the resolution issued at the OIC-Arab League Summit. "It is urgent to immediately take concrete measures to halt the acts of violence, putting a ceasefire in place, and ensuring a smooth and unhindered corridor for the distribution of humanitarian assistance," she stated.

Retno emphasised the significance of national backing, particularly from those who hold permanent membership in the UNSC.

The Israeli raid on the Indonesian Hospital in northern Gaza and the potential for a peace conference in Palestine were also topics of discussion at the meeting with Lavrov.

Retno told reporters that although her side is still in contact with the Indonesian Hospital, she has not been able to get in touch with the three Indonesian nationals who volunteer there directly.

She stated that very little information has been received from different UN organisations in Gaza.

Following their visit to Russia, Retno and her counterparts will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris and Foreign Minister David Cameron in London.



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