Indonesia Must Adjust to Change and Overcome Obstacles to Realize the Indonesia Emas Vision 2045

Indonesia Must Adjust to Change and Overcome Obstacles to Realize the Indonesia Emas Vision 2045

 Monday, October 23, 2023

                                                                        Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Indonesia, Surakarta -  The Foreign Policy Strategic Agency (FPSA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) collaborated to organize the 5th World Indonesianist Congress (the 5th WIC) in Surakarta. Retno L.P. Marsudi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated in her video keynote address that "In order to achieve the Indonesia Emas vision, Indonesia needs the ability to adapt to disruptions and challenges, as well as the ability to seize opportunities arising from evolving environments" (19/10). "Towards the Golden Age of Indonesia 2045: Indonesia and Its Role on the Changing Regional and Global Landscape" is the topic of the fifth World Indonesia Conference. 

Retno Marsudi, the foreign minister, emphasized that building strong economic foundations, investing in human capital through excellent education, fostering effective democracy, and providing high-quality governance are all crucial to having such skills. 

Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi emphasized that in order for Indonesia to become a major global player, it must first envision its role in the world in 2045. To this end, it is critical that we cultivate the identity and mindset of Indonesia as a developed nation, take advantage of our growing status as a greater middle power, capitalize on our rich culture as a unifying force and our soft power, and simultaneously develop a defense and diplomacy nexus for navigating an increasingly complex world. 

As part of the initiative to promote stronger ties and partnerships among Indonesianists, Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi also praised the FPSA's publishing of the Directory of Indonesianists in her remarks. In addition to serving as a resource, the Directory of Indonesianists is intended to promote Indonesian studies and the creation of a new generation of Indonesianists by facilitating contact, communication, and interaction amongst Indonesianists.

In a similar vein, the Head of the FPSA, Dr. Yayan G.H. Mulyana, stated in his opening remarks that the Indonesian Government has decided that by 2045, Indonesia ought to be able to enhance its influence and leadership in the global arena, which includes ranking among the Top 15 on the Global Power Index and being acknowledged as a developed nation economically. 

Dr. Yayan went on, "In order to materialize this vision, Indonesia must overcome the challenges associated with being a developing country, including the middle-income trap, overpopulation, the standard of governance and democracy, as well as human capital." Additionally, he expressed his hope that this congress will help to revitalize the relationship between Indonesianists worldwide and Indonesia, as well as between Indonesianists within Indonesia. 

All of the panelists and attendees have shared their opinions and insights on a wide range of topics throughout the Congress, such as the important megatrends, the need to educate people to face future challenges, the need to strengthen national resilience, creating the identity of a developed Indonesia, and strengthening Indonesia's position as an emerging power. The panel talks provided insightful analysis and suggestions for Indonesia's development as a developed country. These revelations will be crucial in determining the nation's next plans and policies as it works toward realizing its 2045 vision.

The 5th WIC was attended by over 300 Indonesianists, IACS and Dharmasiswa alumni, think tanks, journalists, university students, and government officials from related ministries. Ir. Ahyani, MA represented Mr. Gibran Rakabumi Raka, Mayor of Surakarta, along with Prof. Irwan Trinugroho, Ph.D., Vice Rector for Planning, Partnership, Business, and Information Affairs, UNS, and Prof. Dr. Sutoyo, Rector of the Universitas Slamet Riyadi (UNISRI), Surakarta.

Twelve Indonesianists were invited to participate in the 5th WIC panel. (1) Professor Greg Barton of Deakin University in Australia; (2) Professor Eric Jones of Northern Illinois University in the United States; (3) Professor Ramaswamy Sudarshan of Jindal Global University in India; (4) Dr. Gabriel Facal of the French Institute on Contemporary Southeast Asia (IRASEC), France; (5) Ms. Natalie Sambhi, Ph.D. of Verve Research, Australia; (6) Professor Fukunari Kimura of the Economic Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Japan; (7) Dr. Muhammad Saud of the International Islamic University in Pakistan; (8) Professor Helmut Lukas of the Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria; (9) Professor Hyung Jun Kim of the Kangwon National University, South Korea; (10) Professor Natasha Hamilton Hart of the University of Auckland, New Zealand; (11) Dr. Rahman Yaacob of the Lowy Institute, Australia; and (12) Dr. Leonar 

2018 was the inaugural World Indonesianist Congress (WIC). The WIC is meant to serve as a platform for Indonesianists to voice their hopes, worries, and aspirations for their homeland. Participants in the congress will share opinions and firsthand knowledge on a range of topics, particularly how Indonesia could make a greater impact on global affairs. It is anticipated that the Congress would be able to generate a series of policy suggestions to broaden Indonesianist ideas and understanding of Indonesia.

  Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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